Saturday 28 February 2009

Curating Workshop 2

Hello everyone,
Hope you're having a good weekend? Just a quick reminder about the next Curating Workshop on Wednesday 4th March, 10am - 4pm. As we discussed at the end of the last session, this Wednesday's workshop will be divided into 2 halves: the morning will be a group workshop in the studio and galleries, and the afternoon will be split into group tutorials (times of which we'll arrange in the morning). If everyone could please bring along some examples of the works you are proposing to show (or plans/drawings/descriptions/documentation/etc) that would be great. For this second workshop we will be looking specifically at your forthcoming show and working through ideas, plans and strategies. Look forward to seeing you all again on Wednesday, and hearing how the plans are developing! Til soon
Best - Paddy (Woodrow)

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