Tuesday 10 February 2009

Hi Tom
Thanks for your comments. This blog is turning into a conversation between the two of us - and why not!
Very useful comments. I think the notion of tricking oneself is very interesting in relation to making / thinking art and also teaching actually, and your comment reminds me of the importance of student feedback, which I try to gather as I go along but it's not always forthcoming unless one asks for it, so thanks for offering it. Much appreciated and I really do take everything you guys feed back to me very seriously.
I have now seen the email outlining how the second year shows will be run in future and there is actually no mention of selection so that was just Pete Seddon's interpretation of said email. There is scope for everyone to be included so - panic over. Thought I ought to set the record straight on that before there was a student sit-in and occupation of the college buildings.

However, what does seem to be shifting in future is the curating of the shows which appears to be moving out of the hands of students into a curatorial group made up of staff. But there again, I suppose there is room for them to delegate to students, if they are up for that I guess.

AS to Toolbox 2 I am presenting the next one and I would like to hear from you any thoughts about areas you would like to see covered in response to the question 'What is Reading?' I have of course got my own outline plan but in the spirit of democracy and participation I would like to include your interests too.


As to having exhibitions in general. Well, that is what it's all about. The more you can be involved in the better and the more you get to steer and define those shows the better too. It's essential to practice.

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