Friday 20 February 2009

Workshop Links

Hello everyone,
Hope you had a good rest of the week? It was great to meet you all on Wednesday.
As promised here's some links to the websites I mentioned, plus links to the texts that we discussed. I'll keep adding new links as things develop, and look forward to seeing you again week after next. Til soon
Best - Paddy

E-Flux /seconds El Lissitzky archive
Documenta Utopia Station posters project
The Next Documenta Should Be Curated by an Artist
Coalesce Eastside Projects
Robert Smithson's 'Cultural Confinement'
Daniel Buren's 'Where are the Artists?'
Hans Ulrich Obrist's 'Evolutional Exhibitions'
Nicolas Bourriaud's 'Altermodern Manifesto'

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