Friday 6 March 2009

Press release for the University of Brighton "Events" leaflet

Hello all!

The following is the text submitted for the "events" leaflet, which was written by John, Susan, and I on the 6th of March:

30.04.2009 - 06.05.2009
Private View 30.04.2009 6pm
The University of Brighton Gallery Grand Parade

From the 30th of April to 6th May 2009, Critical Fine Art Practice second year students will be presenting an exhibition of new work in The University of Brighton Gallery, Grand Parade. For this exhibition the participating artists have each chosen to show one work that they consider representative of their practice, as well as one that is not. The presentation of both works will provide an opportunity to consider what constitutes an art practice, with work ranging across photography, video, performance, painting, installation and text.


The Venn Diagram was the image chosen to go alongside the text :


As you can see the title chosen was 'Recreation', as out of all the titles we discussed as a group, that one seemed to have the most support and least problems. Theoretically we could always have a different title on the door, on the day, but in lieu of one then or now, 'Recreation' seems a good choice. Something I realized today whilst thinking about this press release is how incredibly context-sensitive press releases really are. The kind of publication this text is going to go into seems to require the kind of language used here, and the kind of information given. If ones goal were simply to make people go to a show, and your target public were shamanistic monks, then it would perhaps have turned out very differently...

I hope you all have a good weekend,


1 comment:

  1. Hello everyone,

    Hope you all enjoyed your weekends? It was good to see you again on Wednesday and catch up on how things are progressing! Just thought I'd post a quick comment to say I really like the look of the Venn Diagram and press release; and 'Recreation' is a great title! - it implies re:creation (re)creation perfectly alongside the leisure aspect. Keep me posted on how things are going and I look forward to the growing show! Til soon

    Best - Paddy
