Saturday 28 February 2009

Curating Workshop 2

Hello everyone,
Hope you're having a good weekend? Just a quick reminder about the next Curating Workshop on Wednesday 4th March, 10am - 4pm. As we discussed at the end of the last session, this Wednesday's workshop will be divided into 2 halves: the morning will be a group workshop in the studio and galleries, and the afternoon will be split into group tutorials (times of which we'll arrange in the morning). If everyone could please bring along some examples of the works you are proposing to show (or plans/drawings/descriptions/documentation/etc) that would be great. For this second workshop we will be looking specifically at your forthcoming show and working through ideas, plans and strategies. Look forward to seeing you all again on Wednesday, and hearing how the plans are developing! Til soon
Best - Paddy (Woodrow)

Title for the show

Hey everyone!

Even though you are all probably very busy, I hope you are still considering what you would like our show to be called.
We narrowed the options down to 5 possible titles:

1. Dual Practice
2. Recreation
3. Showroom
4. Aquarium
5. Take 2

We will have to finalize this on Monday. Can we all meet up on Monday 1.30pm before our Toolbox session?
If anyone is seriously unhappy with the names listed above, you have about 2 days to come up with something which you may consider more suitable... *no pressure*

Have a lovely wkend!


Wednesday 25 February 2009

Latest news...

A quick recap of today's meeting:

 1- Finalized dates for the show
Get in time Tue 28 April from 2pm. Out on Wed 6 May by 2pm
This time will include putting up and taking down the show

Sina's advice:
Building the show: Tuesday pm, all day Wed and Thu
Private view: Thu 30 April from 5pm
The show would be open on Fri/Sat/Tue (that Monday is bank holiday)
Show comes down on Wed 6 May

Sina also mentioned that we will need to establish invigilation by Second years (us!) on all those days.

 2- Publicity
Publicity will need to be taken care of PROMPTLY
Lizzie, we were told that you volunteered to print posters/fliers using the university's print room?
Fenya mentioned the Brighton Art Festival, yet did anyone offer to get in touch with the people in charge of advertising in the Brighton Festival's catalogue? I don't quite know what everyone agreed on... (help!?)

 3- Title for the show
Yet to be decided! We will have to hurry up... No title = no publicity
We'll have to agree on a title by the beginning of next week - or before that even?

 4- Next official meeting: Wednesday 11 March - 11am!
Everyone will be required to bring evidence of his or her work in progress
We will ALL need to have a clear idea of what we will be putting in the show and rough DIMENSIONS of each piece of work by then
Leo will need this information to construct a (3D?) model of the gallery space

Any other suggestions?

Thank you!

Saturday 21 February 2009

Hello everyone;

I managed to aquire some basic plans of the gallery, which are not to scale but never-the-less provide measurements. One of the maps also shows where the power sockets are located, which I thought might be helpful for everyone to see. As I said, I plan on turning these into a "to scale" 3-D computer model, but in the mean time I thought I might put up a top-down map of the gallery space into the studio on the wall (as someone suggested). Hopefully we could sketch onto these plans as they change, and it would enable us to see where we all are... physically, temporally, mentally, etc...

Have a good one!

Friday 20 February 2009

Workshop Links

Hello everyone,
Hope you had a good rest of the week? It was great to meet you all on Wednesday.
As promised here's some links to the websites I mentioned, plus links to the texts that we discussed. I'll keep adding new links as things develop, and look forward to seeing you again week after next. Til soon
Best - Paddy

E-Flux /seconds El Lissitzky archive
Documenta Utopia Station posters project
The Next Documenta Should Be Curated by an Artist
Coalesce Eastside Projects
Robert Smithson's 'Cultural Confinement'
Daniel Buren's 'Where are the Artists?'
Hans Ulrich Obrist's 'Evolutional Exhibitions'
Nicolas Bourriaud's 'Altermodern Manifesto'

Thursday 19 February 2009

What's everyone thinking of putting in the show?

As Leo suggested the other day, I thought I would start off the list of what's possibly going in the show.
For my 'other' work, I am going to put in some photographs of Jonny's band, probably printed relatively small (8"x6"?) and displayed all together in one of those lovely domestic Habitat/Ikea frames.  Not sure on quantity yet, but probably between 6 and 10 photographs.  
For my 'uni' work, I am doing a staged glass engraving, with multiple glass panes stacked together so you can look through it at about eye level.  There will be a running narrative of Jersey running through it, focusing mainly on history.  Ask me more about it next week when I've done a bit more drawing! It's possibly going to sit on a piece of granite, but the piece will be around 50cm cubed. It is going to sit on a plinth and I think will be free standing, but it might need lighting.  I will know a bit more in a few weeks time!


Tuesday 17 February 2009

Curating Workshops

Hello Everyone,

My name is Paddy (also known as Woodrow) Kernohan and Susan has asked my to lead some Curating Workshops with you: the first tomorrow afternoon (18th Feb) and the next on Wednesday 4th March.

In relation to tomorrow's Workshop I have pasted below links to a couple of polar essays as background reading in relation to exhibition/curating history.

Robert Smithson's polemic 'Cultural Confinement' written in the volatile, reactionary climate surrounding Documenta 5 (1972) when Harald Szeemann was the curator (the first of the independent curators):


'Politics of Installation' (2008) by Boris Groys (philosopher, essayist, art critic, media theorist, and artist) whose video-essays were exhibited at Cubitt last year (May-June):

These two pieces sit at either end of the before/after curating timeline and act as oppositional introductions to some of the debates surrounding the role of the curator.

Hope you enjoy!

If any of you want further links to examples of debate around curating etc /seconds is very good resource, and great online journal:

And after tomorrow's Workshop I'll post some more specific links etc in relation to our discussions, and Le Violon D’Ingres, Under the Table, Work and Play.

Look forward to meeting you tomorrow.
For some background information on me - I graduated from CFAP in 2003, am currently a Director of Permanent Gallery (, a Director of Brighton Photo Fringe (, Exhibition Curator at The Regency Town House (, and am undertaking a research degree at the Royal College of Art.

Sunday 15 February 2009

Proposed "other" piece

Sorry I haven't been around much, I do still want to be a part of the 2nd year show. I asked Ben if it would be ok to put some of his stop motion clips in the exhibition and he was so keen on the idea he's made 2 more movies! I wish I had his enthusiasm when it comes to making work (i'm hopeing some of it will rub off on me!) I won't have time to get the new stuff into disc for tomorrows crits, but will be bringing the first batch with me to show.

Wednesday 11 February 2009

change of look

Hi Suzanne
I was just trying to read the blog and, being rather tired from a long day, also found the white text on black background rather hard to see. So I've changed the layout. But, everyone, keep changing it if you like until we get it just perfect . . .

Tuesday 10 February 2009

[Initial] Exhibition Proposals

In light of Susan’s email yesterday, I thought I would post these links to a couple of websites that I have participated within over the last 4months.


Profile Page:
Recent Post: *

*Pending Administration Approval*


Profile Page:
Hi Tom
Thanks for your comments. This blog is turning into a conversation between the two of us - and why not!
Very useful comments. I think the notion of tricking oneself is very interesting in relation to making / thinking art and also teaching actually, and your comment reminds me of the importance of student feedback, which I try to gather as I go along but it's not always forthcoming unless one asks for it, so thanks for offering it. Much appreciated and I really do take everything you guys feed back to me very seriously.
I have now seen the email outlining how the second year shows will be run in future and there is actually no mention of selection so that was just Pete Seddon's interpretation of said email. There is scope for everyone to be included so - panic over. Thought I ought to set the record straight on that before there was a student sit-in and occupation of the college buildings.

However, what does seem to be shifting in future is the curating of the shows which appears to be moving out of the hands of students into a curatorial group made up of staff. But there again, I suppose there is room for them to delegate to students, if they are up for that I guess.

AS to Toolbox 2 I am presenting the next one and I would like to hear from you any thoughts about areas you would like to see covered in response to the question 'What is Reading?' I have of course got my own outline plan but in the spirit of democracy and participation I would like to include your interests too.


As to having exhibitions in general. Well, that is what it's all about. The more you can be involved in the better and the more you get to steer and define those shows the better too. It's essential to practice.

Monday 9 February 2009

Welcome to your blog

Susan here. I have set up this blog as a virtual space where we can discuss ideas about the exhibition. It means that anyone involved can post ideas day or night and all our separate ideas can be kept together in one place and develop over time.
If you don't like the layout template I've chosen please do change it. If you've not used a blog before please tell me and I'll make sure I show you how to use it or ask someone else in the year who knows what they're doing.
I hope I'm not taking over by setting this up. It just seems like a good idea and I thought we could get going with it as soon as possible.
All the best