Thursday 19 March 2009

The bloke who Sina put me in touch with says that so long as the vinyl is no higher that 55cm (it can be as long as the window: 300cm) then it'll cost £45. Normally he charges £20 for installing it but says that because he was once a student he'll charge us £50 overall. That's for 1 (im not sure he knows how many we need /cos i didn't tell him/ so the charge may go up once he finds out he has more than one to install). We'll obviously need to let him know the proper dimensions that we want it/colour etc and also how many we want. There seemed to be some kind of consensus in todays meeting that it should be orange (for reals!?) and that there would be two of them. I made the date a bit more proper like Chloe asked and I think it looks better, any other tweaks?

What's the deal?

Tuesday 17 March 2009

These are some very quick examples of how the vinyl might look, just to get an idea about the kind of scale we might want it to be, I don't suggest we actually use these. I put an empty image in if anyone wants to superimpose their own graphic onto it (maybe John you could try plopping some of your leaflet graphics onto it? for the sake of cohesion?).

The biggest portion of that window (i'm assuming that we wont want any vinyl in the smaller frames?) is more or less 56 inches high and 116 inches wide - so for example the ridiculous big orange vinyl would neeearly be 116 wide - if it were 100 inches wide that would be 8 inches either side.

Our wonderful model Leo is naturally in shot for a sense of scale.

Wednesday 11 March 2009

Minutes for meeting 11th March

Thanks to all attended: Jen, Matt, Daryl, Emily, Julie, Kat, Tom, Leo, Chloe, John, Bryony, Sina, Bea (sorry if I missed anyone out!) 

Title confirmed for the exhibition is: Recreation.

The Ven diagram has also been chosen as the logo - not as the main graphic, which will probably be John’s photograph of the studio (nice juxtaposition between the scruffy studio and the rather corporate title layout of title)

We can get in the gallery from Tuesday 28th March at 2pm.  Sina is available from 2-8pm on Tuesday and 8am-8pm on Wednesday - but is not available at all on Thursday, so major building needs to be done Tues/Weds. 

Opening date/Private View is: Thursday 30th April

We can check with the caretakers to see if they will be willing to open on the bank holiday, so we may be able to get an extra day in 

Sina had a few things to say:

    • Please find on Student Central (on the CFAP technical page - email her if you cannot find it):
      • University Codes of Practice - basically the ins and outs of what can be done in the gallery space
      • Work proposal forms - Anyone who wants equipment needs to fill one of these out and  have it signed by Sina and Susan AND take it to John upstairs in the equipment area BY THE 22ND APRIL   (for everyone who does not need equipment, it might be a good idea to fill one of these out anyway and give to Susan and Sina just so they have a clear idea about what is what)
      • Ethic forms can also be found on student central, these need to be filled out for all of the works that include someone else - e.g. a photograph of someone. They need to be signed by the person involved 
      • Leo said he would put the above forms on the blog.
      • For people wanting plinths: please give Sina the details (measurements etc) ASAP so she can start making them, this can be done by email or put them on a piece of paper and shove it under her door. 
      • For all installations which require public participation, or any works which might constitute a hazard for the beloved public, Sina will need to do a risk assessment, which involves her filling out a form saying that she has checked it which Health and Safety will then ask briefly about.  
      • Any technical problems or questions that you might need answering regarding setting the show up - talk to Sina sooner rather than later so she can take into consideration your needs.

Matt has said that he will draw up a rota for invigilation closer to the time

John has begun work on the online component for the exhibition, including a new blog and pages with discussions we have in the studios, videos and text.  He hopes it will be predominantly running by Sunday. He is also (along with Jen) looking into the prices of having postcards printed.  He has designed a rather nice one, with a picture of the studio on the front and basic information on the back that everyone agreed looked really good and this is probably what we will settle with. 

With regards to posters, we have decided that we will only get two large ones to go just out side the gallery doors (as they do at the moment); Sina pointed out that if we have smaller ones printed and put all over the place, they will just be covered with other posters of a similar nature, so it is a bit of a waste of money.  It was also thought that it would be a good idea just to get them printed at the same place as the postcards, they will probably be a very similar design and use the same images - so Lizzie, don’t worry about the lithographs anymore.  

Leo has a list from Paddy with all of the free publicity sites and other opportunities for advertising which someone (who I can’t remember) said they will deal with when the publicity is sorted.  We will use a modified version of the press release given for the university’s publicity (can be found on the blog) - as Paddy recommended, the thought was to not put particularly emphasis on the fact we are students until the audience are in the gallery. 

Chloe, Jen and Emily have all said that they will be happy to go around the galleries/cafes/ anywhere suitable putting the postcards/photocopies of the posters (Tom has access to a photocopier), but I am sure that everyone can help out in some way with this.  It was also suggested that they should be handed out around events for the May festival, but that starts on the 2nd May, so it is rather pointless.  

Vinyl: Tom is going to look into prices for the vinyl, and based around what we can afford, a size will be chosen at the next meeting, including what will be on the vinyl (e.g. title, dates, CFAP, graphic etc etc).  There is also the possibility that the company will come and put it on the window for us - but this will be discussed at the next meeting. 

Leo has said that he will work on the introduction to the show: there was debate about where this piece of text will be displayed in the gallery - if it was at the entrance, it would give the audience a definite thing to think about whilst looking around, but if it was at the end of the north gallery, it would give them something to contemplate as they leave the exhibition.  This introduction will also be put into a small leaflet.

With regards to a leaflet, it was agreed that it would be more appropriate to have a leaflet rather than a catalogue as the show is only up for a few days and the production costs are lower.  Daryl, John and Bryony have been working on this today after the meeting.  Bryony suggested that it would be a good opportunity to use the leaflet for additional information that anyone wanted for their work (materials, background etc etc.) There will be a small slot for everyone to have their titles and anything else they may want (e.g. small biography, description of the work etc etc - any queries contact Bry), probably with a word limit of 50-75 words. There will be no individual graphics as this will complicate the matter.  Everyone will write their own piece for the leaflet and this will need to be sent to Bry by 20th March

The problem of labeling the work cropped up; Suzanne has kindly offered to do this, and she will look into the best way to display them.  There was about a 50/50 split on people who wanted individual titles and those who didn’t.  We decided that those who wanted the title could have one, everyone else will have to decide individually as to whether their piece is called ‘untitled’ or there is no title. Everyone’s work will have their name next to them (no materials) - this includes the piece of work from under the table (these can also have a title).  I spoke to Suzanne today after the meeting - I got it wrong, she is able to make them over the Easter holidays, but she hopes to have some examples before that so we can decide on what is best.  It may be useful here to note that the font we have decided on for the posters/leaflet is Franklin, so it would be nice if everything could tie together that way. Everyone needs to write down their name and title and give it to Suzanne by the 20th March (she said she does not need them by this Friday as was originally stated in the meeting).


Wednesday 18th March: Next meeting in the studio at 11

All quotes for leaflets, vinyls, posters, postcards etc need to be

found and brought in for a cost evaluation. 

Layout for leaflet needs to be sorted

Friday 20th March: Labels need to be given to Suzanne (

Individual texts need to be written and given to Bry                   (

Wednesday 22nd April: John in the equipment department upstairs needs to have the work

proposals in and signed! 

Bit of a long set of notes today, but we did get a lot done! See you all tomorrow at 10.30 

Friday 6 March 2009

Press release for the University of Brighton "Events" leaflet

Hello all!

The following is the text submitted for the "events" leaflet, which was written by John, Susan, and I on the 6th of March:

30.04.2009 - 06.05.2009
Private View 30.04.2009 6pm
The University of Brighton Gallery Grand Parade

From the 30th of April to 6th May 2009, Critical Fine Art Practice second year students will be presenting an exhibition of new work in The University of Brighton Gallery, Grand Parade. For this exhibition the participating artists have each chosen to show one work that they consider representative of their practice, as well as one that is not. The presentation of both works will provide an opportunity to consider what constitutes an art practice, with work ranging across photography, video, performance, painting, installation and text.


The Venn Diagram was the image chosen to go alongside the text :


As you can see the title chosen was 'Recreation', as out of all the titles we discussed as a group, that one seemed to have the most support and least problems. Theoretically we could always have a different title on the door, on the day, but in lieu of one then or now, 'Recreation' seems a good choice. Something I realized today whilst thinking about this press release is how incredibly context-sensitive press releases really are. The kind of publication this text is going to go into seems to require the kind of language used here, and the kind of information given. If ones goal were simply to make people go to a show, and your target public were shamanistic monks, then it would perhaps have turned out very differently...

I hope you all have a good weekend,
